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When you're insuring your home, it's easy to forget about the things you take out of it every day. When it comes to incidents such as loss or theft, you don't want to be left without cover.

That's where Personal Possessions comes in. It's designed to cover your belongings when you're out and about. If you lose or damage your things, or you're a victim of theft, you'll be able to rest easy knowing you're covered.

Personal Possessions is available as an optional extra for Home Insurance policies, and is included in Home Insurance Plus policies.

If you already have Personal Possessions cover and need to make a claim, call us now on 0345 246 8412 .

If you have Home Insurance and are looking to add Personal Possessions cover, give us a call on 0345 246 8372 .

Personal Possessions is cover designed to insure your belongings when you're outside of the home. Whether your phone's been stolen, or you've left your tablet on the train, we'll replace it, or pay the cost of replacing it. Giving you peace of mind, when items are stolen or lost.

For any personal possession that is lost or damaged, we'll pay the cost of repairing the item or replacing it.

We'll cover up to £2,000 (£4,000 for Home Plus) for any one item, set or collection, and up to £500 (£1,000 for Home Plus) for any bicycle unless it's specified on your schedule. If something is stolen from your locked vehicle while it's unattended, we'll cover up to £2,000, as long as the items were hidden from view in a closed glove compartment or locked boot.

Who's covered by Personal Possessions

Personal Possessions covers you and anyone living with you at the same address. This includes your spouse or partner, children, parents or other relatives who normally live with you.

What's included in Personal Possessions?

We cover:

  • Accidental loss or damage to your personal possessions. This includes valuables, sports equipment, bicycles, luggage, clothes or any other items you usually carry that you own or are legally responsible for
  • Money lost or stolen, up to £500 (£1,000 for Home Insurance Plus policies)
  • Loss or damage to bicycle tyres and accessories, if the bicycle was also lost or damaged
  • Stolen bicycles, when the bike has been secured and stored appropriately
  • Lost or damaged items stored in safe deposit boxes or banks
  • Items taken abroad for up to 60 days, provided they're kept with you or in a secure place

We don't cover:

  • Lost or damaged business equipment (such as computers) or tools
  • Vehicles
  • Wear and tear
  • Damage caused by pets or other animals
  • Surfboards, rowing boats or other hand-propelled watercraft
  • Sports or camping equipment while in use
  • Items taken by Customs or other officials
  • Bicycles while being used for organised racing, pace-making or trials
  • Any theft involving deception
  • Damage caused by paying guests or tenants
  • Items lost or damaged abroad if they have been out of the UK for more than 60 days in any one policy year

Full details of what is (and isn't) included can be found in our policy booklets.

Do you need Personal Possessions cover?

It's entirely up to you to decide what you might need cover for. If you take your possessions out of the home a lot, you may feel safer knowing they're insured while you travel.

Other types of cover

Home Emergency

Get cover for home emergencies, including broken boilers and damaged door locks.

Accidental Damage

Get cover for accidental damage in your home, such as wine spills or iron burns, if you've accidentally damaged something in your home, you're protected.