1. £1 billion spent jetting away for Christmas each year
  2. December casualties: over-60s at risk on the roads
  3. 1.1 million Brits too embarrassed to claim on their insurance
  4. Distracted drivers: People believe a third of accidents caused by mobile phone use
  5. When your car drives itself, what will you do with the extra time?
  6. Vulnerable vehicles: 198,370 luxury cars are currently registered off the road
  7. Millions of motorists fail to disclose medical conditions
  8. Keep your dog on a tight leash
  9. Millions of Lego bricks get flushed down the toilet
  10. Turn off, log off, fly out: 10.2 million Brits opt for an internet-free vacation
  11. More than one in four pet owners risks the life of their animal when travelling
  12. Welcome to the blame game
  13. Bedroom size matters
  14. Dogs denied water
  15. Disappearing deliveries: Brits lose out
  16. Rise of the Petcation: Increase in pets holding passports
  17. The 'Staycation' Revival: 24 million Brits plan to holiday in the UK​
  18. Do fat cats need sugar tax?
  19. Men just can't leave their phones alone
  20. In Case Of Emergency Add 117 Per Cent To The Price
  21. The true cost of veterinary treatment is revealed
  22. The year for driving resolutions
  23. Interior design trends for 2016
  24. More than 14 million motorists drive damaged cars
  25. I wish I could marry my Mini
  26. Parking spaces add five per cent to the purchase price of a new build property
  27. The North East has the best drivers in Britain
  28. Half of dog owners take time off work to mourn the loss of their pet
  29. Do clumsy kids prevent you leaving your house with peace of mind?
  30. One million older motorists risk prosecution by failing to disclose serious medical conditions
  31. Hidden Value with Drew Pritchard
  32. Property porn – property browsing obsession
  33. 28 million fixed penalty notices
  34. Millions of motorists risk driving with bad eyesight
  35. Gum and tooth disease is a growing problem for Britain's dogs

The press team

If you're a journalist and would like to speak to a member of the Direct Line press team, please get in touch with us:

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Ewan Robertson
07779 718 865

Brand PR Manager
Chelsey Wheeler
01651 832 095

Press Office

Direct Line for Business PR Manager
Unni Henry